Our Location


We are located on WV Route 76, four miles north of the city of Philippi.

Our physical Address is

324 Mansion Drive
Philippi, WV 26416

and you can send mail to

P.O. Box 74
Philippi, WV 26416

Please reach us by phone


We actually just love talking to people! Give us a call and we can talk about your event or visit, and maybe share a few laughs.

Mansion: 304-457-1587

But aside from a phone call, we’d love to hear from you.


I'm interested in: (Check all that apply)
0 / 180

We’re not very far away!

Morgantown, WV: 50 Miles

  1. From interstate I-79, take exit 115 (Quite Dell)
  2. Turn left off the ramp to WV Rt.  20 (Philippi) 5 miles
  3. Turn left on WV 57 for 17 miles
  4. At US 119 turn Left going North to Philippi
  5. Pass the covered bridge and go straight up hill toward Battler’s Knob, LLC (on the left)
  6. Continue to rail road crossing and Jct. Rt. 76
  7. Turn Left and fallow Rt. 76 (1 mile).
  8. Take second Rd. on right (Adaland Rd.)
  9. Turn right on Adaland Rd.
  10. Follow the signs to Adaland Mansion (at 324 Mansion Dr. Philippi, WV 26416)


Elkins, WV: 30 Miles

  1. From Elkins Rt 33 turn right onto US Hwy 250 ( Junior/ Belington) towards Philippi.
  2. Stay on US 250 through Belington and take the left fork to continue to Philippi.
  3. Pass through downtown Philippi. Take your time and drive through the covered bridge.
  4. Turn right at the end of bridge onto Rt 119 travel 3 miles on Rt 119 passing Battler’s Knob, LLC on your Left to rail road crossing and Jct 76
  5. At Jct. 76 turn left for 1 mile, turn right on Adaland Rd.
  6. Follow the signs to the Mansion Rd and the Mansion house.
  7. Follow the signs to Adaland Mansion (at 324 Mansion Dr. Philippi, WV 26416)


Charleston, WV: 3 Hours

  1. Charleston via Weston WV. At the interchange of I-79 and Hwy 33 head West towards Buckhannon.
  2. Take the Rt 20 East exit (towards Clarksburg) traveling to the Jct. with US Hwy 119 (6 miles)
  3. Turn right onto US 119 for (28miles) passing us 57 and us 250 on the right at the covered bridge, continue up hill and pass Battler’s Knob, LLC on the left.
  4. Travel 3 miles to rail road crossing at Jct. 76 turn left on Jct. 76 and travel 1 mile to Adaland Rd.
  5. Turn right on Adaland Rd and fallow signs to Mansion Dr. and Adaland Mansion.
  6. Follow the signs to Adaland Mansion (at 324 Mansion Dr. Philippi, WV 26416)


Parkersburg, WV: 3 Hours

But, if you’re not convinced …

Here are our GPS coordinates. You can’t get more exact than this.

GPS 39º12’06.23 N 80º04’11.98 W